Leveraging the Power of Women to Rebuild Canada’s Economy

Leveraging the Power of Women to Rebuild Canada’s Economy
Throughout March 2021, CEDEC celebrated International Women’s Day (March 8) by showcasing the essential contributions of women to Canada’s economy.
These virtual conversations highlighted women-owned businesses and women community and political leaders.
Building community resilience through women-owned and women-led enterprises:
A conversation with Professor Barbara Orser, Full Professor and the Deloitte Professor in the Management of Growth Enterprises at the Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa.
Video featuring Quebec women leaders in business and political life as they share their experiences and talk about the role women play in boosting local economies.
Women Leadership in Business and Community:
A conversation with Wendy Curtis, Executive Director, Northumberland CFDC, and StrikeUP 2021 Founder, about the important role of women in leadership positions and how their contributions generate critical impacts on our economies and communities.
Facebook Live panel discussion with women in the public, private, and civil society sectors who shared their thoughts on how we can leverage the power of women to rebuild Canada’s economy. Guests included:
- Maryse Gingras, Vice President, Quebec, British Columbia and Atlantic Canada at Futurpreneur Canada and a member of CEDEC’s board of directors.
- Erika Ouimet, co-owner of Café Savourez in Fort-Coulonge, Quebec.
- Lynda Graham, councillor for the Town of Sutton, Quebec
Panel guests discussed the following questions:
Q1: How will women-led businesses offer a distinct competitive advantage to Canada’s economy during the pandemic and in the post-pandemic recovery phase?
Q2: What “positive disruption” have women made in business or as community/political leaders? How has the pandemic changed how you do business or lead?
Q3: What is your biggest insight about how women survive and thrive as business owners or community leaders?
Q4: How can we, as fellow women in business (or society), lift other women up?
Funded by the Enabling Fund for Official Language Minority Communities and by the Government of Canada